Story 4: God Creates Woman

[Song] “Sing them over again to me, wonderful words of life.  Let me more of their beauty see, wonderful words of life.”

Hello, I’m Mrs. B!  Welcome to Lifeline English, the podcast that helps you know God and know English.

You can read the written script for today’s lesson online at

Today I want to teach you four words.

Rib.  Can you say it?  Rib.  Rib.  A rib is a long, thin, curved bone that protects the lungs and chest of mammals.  Humans have twelve pairs of ribs. 

Helper.  Repeat after me.  Helper.  Helper.  When we have a problem or a need, we say, “Help!”  A helper is a person who comes to assist.  They help us with our problem.  Our most powerful helper is God.  God can help us with any need.

Slept.  Slept is the past tense of the verb “to sleep”.  I sleep in my bed.  I slept in my bed last night.  Okay, you say it now: slept.  Slept. 

Brought.  Brought is the past tense of the verb “to bring”.  To bring means to cause someone or something to come to a place.  For example, the mailman brings letters and packages to me.  She brings her children with her to the store.  We bring water to the garden from the well.  Can you say “bring”?  Bring.  Okay, now let’s use brought, the past tense of bring.  The mailman brought me a letter from China yesterday.  On Tuesday, she brought her children with her to Walmart.  This morning I brought five buckets of water to the garden from the well.  Let me hear you say “brought”.  Brought.  Very good! 

Okay, now let’s hear a story that uses our new words.  This story is called, “God Creates Woman.”   When I ask a question, I will leave a space.  You can answer my question.  Then I will say the answer.  You can compare your answer with my answer. 

So the man gave names to all the livestock, all the birds in the sky, and all the wild animals. 
What did the man give?  The man gave names.
What did the man name?  The man named the livestock, birds, and wild animals.
Did God name the animals?  No, the man named the animals.

But Adam didn’t find a helper that was right for him.  What was the man’s name?  The man’s name was Adam.
Was Adam looking for something?  Yes, Adam was looking for a helper who was right for him.
Can animals help man?  Yes, animals can help man.  Cows give milk.  Horses give rides.  Dogs give protection.
Did Adam find a helper who was right for him?  No, Adam didn’t find a helper who was right for him.
Were the animals right for Adam?  No, the animals were not the right helper for Adam.

So the Lord God caused the man to sleep very deeply. Who made the man sleep?  The Lord God made the man sleep.
Did God sleep?  No, God did not sleep.  The man slept.
How did the man sleep?  The man slept very deeply.

While the man slept, the Lord God took out one of his ribs and closed up the opening.
What did the Lord God take?  The Lord God took one of the man’s ribs.
From whom did the Lord God take the rib?  The Lord God took the rib from the man.
Did God take one of the man’s toes?  No, God took one of the man’s ribs.
When did God take the rib?  God took the rib while the man slept.
What did God close up?  God closed up the opening in the man’s body.
Did God leave a hole in the man’s body?  No, God closed up the opening. 

The Lord God used the rib from the man to make a woman. Did God use a branch from a tree?  No, God used the rib.
Where did God get the rib?  God got the rib from the man. 
What did God make?  God made a woman.
What did God use to make the woman?  God used the rib from the man.
Did man make woman?  No, man did not make woman.
Who made woman?  God made woman.

Then God brought her to the man.   Did God bring a dog?  No, God did not bring a dog.
What did God bring?  God brought the woman.
Where did God bring the woman?  God brought the woman to the man. 
Did man go to the woman?  No, the woman came to the man.
Who brought the woman to the man?  God brought the woman to the man. 

Let’s listen to the whole story together.

So the man gave names to all the livestock, all the birds in the sky, and all the wild animals.  But Adam didn’t find a helper that was right for him.  So the Lord God caused the man to sleep very deeply. While the man slept, the Lord God took out one of his ribs and closed up the opening.  The Lord God used the rib from the man to make a woman. Then God brought her to the man.  
The story is told in the third person.  Let’s change it to the first person.  This is how the story would sound if Adam told it.

So I gave names to all the livestock, all the birds in the sky, and all the wild animals.  But I didn’t find a helper that was right for me.  So the Lord God caused me to sleep very deeply.  While I slept, the Lord God took out one of my ribs and closed up the opening.  The Lord God used my rib to make a woman.  Then God brought her to me.

Do you have questions?  You can write me.  Go to our website,

In our next story, we will find out what happened when the man met the woman. 

Until next time, may Jesus help you know Him and know English.  Good bye!

[Song] “Jesus only savior, sanctify forever, beautiful words, wonderful words, wonderful words of life.  Beautiful words, wonderful words, wonderful words of life.”

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